

Mexican Duros

     You know the best part of being Mexican is? It is being able to eat unique snacks. One big snack that we can never go wrong with are Duros. These can be found at swamp meets or those Mexican ice cream guys that walk around honking a horn. They are so good when you add some lemon and Tapatio or Valentina. The only down side of where I live is that there are no ways of getting them but making them myself. They sell the pasta at Food for less so I decided to make them. They are so easy to make and very very quick.  The things you will need are...

  • Pasta Wheels
  • A pan
  • Oil
  • Lemon
  • Tapatio or Valentina

1. Open your pasta wheels and fill up a deep pan half way with oil over medium heat.

2. Once hot enough add some pasta wheels.

3. When they expand, remove quickly so they do not burn.

4. Place them on a plate with with napkins to let excess oil drain.

5. Once they have cooled off place on a bowl and add some lemon.

6. Add your preference of Tapatio or Valentina.

7. Once it has all your favorite ingredients, you may enjoy!

�You haul ass and chase the man down the street with your chanclas and tank top� because he�s worth it. | It's Time We Recognize El Paletero As The Best Part Of The Summer:

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