
About Me

Hello Everyone! Welcome to my Blog with warm hugs.

     This blog was created one day when I realized that I enjoyed being in the kitchen and wanted to share these recipes. During this time, I was unemployed and on a very low budget. My Husband and I did not have the means of being able to go out and splurge on a date night, so our dinner's consist of very basic Mexican recipes that I had learned from my Grandmother and Mother. 

     Through this struggle, I realized that I probably was not the only person going through this. I knew that many out there were struggling as well and needed to be creative with what their budget allowed, especially if they needed to feed their children as well. 

     There were days where I would stand in front of my pantry drawing a blank because I literally only had three ingredients to work with and no idea where to even begin. I did not want to feel like a  failure when my Husband came home from a long stressful day at work and have to forcefully eat something that was not appetizing. This was the day when I decided that I wanted to help anyone in the same situation as I was in, so I took to the internet and created this blog. 

     When I look back to my earlier posts, I see the struggle we were in. I see how hard I tried to make the best of what ingredients I had and this makes me so grateful to God for where we are today. I keep those posts to remind me to always be grateful for the food in my fridge and to remember that there are still families out there whom are still struggling. 

     To them, I dedicate this blog. Never lose hope and even when it's hard try to keep a smile on your face.  I know I cannot fix what families are going through, but I know that I can at least help in providing these recipes that will bring them together and shine a bit of happiness in the time of struggle. 

     Most of these recipes have been passed on to me by my Mother and would love to share them with you. Some of them I have came across on Pinterest or Youtube and have provided the link to the original Author within the post.  I recreate them using substitute ingredients or I tend to change some of them. I do this not by choice, but because sometimes I either do not have the ingredient or I cannot find the ingredient in stores.

Thank you for visiting my blog and taking the time to read it. I am no Gordan Ramsey, but just an average gal who is trying to make difference in the world with a helping hand to those whom find themselves with only three ingredients in their pantry.