

Taco Bell Beef Tacos | Tacos del Taco Bell

     One night, I was really craving some tacos from Taco Bell. There is not a local one around where I live, so I decided to make them instead. I went to the grocery store down the street and bought the taco shells and swung by the sauce aisle to find the hot sauce. These tacos came out so delicious and the best thing was that the meat was not greasy that would make the taco shell soggy like I have experienced at the fast food joint many times. The things you will need are...

  • 1 pound of ground beef (90% lean)
  • Taco seasoning 
  • Hot sauce
  • Yellow cheese
  • Sour cream
  • Tomato
  • Onion
  • Lettuce

1. Cook the ground beef.

2. While the meat is cooking, cut up the tomato, lettuce and onions.

3. When the meat is cooked drain the excess oil and pour in the taco seasoning. 

4. Add a bit of water and mix thoroughly.

5. Once the taco meat is cooked and seasoned to your liking, serve in taco shells.

6. Start assembling your taco.

7. Lastly, add the sour cream and hot sauce.


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