

Chile in Oil | Chile de asite

     There is a restaurant that sells some bomb Mexican food. It is one of my favorite places to go, but it is a bit pricey. One of the best parts of this restaurant is their Chile de asite. It is so delicious but really really spicy. I always wanted to know how to make it because not very often do we go to that restaurant and there are times where I wish I had that Chile to go along with my food. I asked my mom to show me how she makes it, and now I am going to share it with you all. Please be cautious with this Chile, because like I mentioned it is really really spicy and we will be using very HOT oil. Keep away from children. The things you will need are...

  • Oil
  • Pot or deep fryer
  • A bag of Chile de Arbol
  • Fried Onion ring
  • 1-2 cloves of Garlic
  • Salt

1. In a pot or deep fryer add oil and let heat up.

2. Once the oil is hot, add the Chile removing the stems if necessary. 

3. Let the Chile cook, but be cautious that it does not burn.

4. When the Chile looks cooked and a bit discolored but not burnt, remove from oil.

5. Add the Chile to the blender with the fried onion ring, 1-2 garlic cloves, and a palm full of salt. (Please use a glass blender due to the oil being hot)

6. Add 2 to 3 scoops of the hot oil and let cool for about 5-10 minutes. 

7. Once cooled down, blend at low speed then gradually change to high speed. Let blend for 5 minutes.

8. Taste test the Chile to make sure it is good of salt. Then pour into a tupperware.


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