

Corn Tortillas | Tortillas de Maiz

     One of the first recipes my Mom and Grandma taught me was how to make tortillas. There are many different ways that people make these tortillas, but this is the most simple one that I have ever known. It may seem like a lot of work to make these handmade, but it reality it does not take that long. You can make these tortillas when making a delicious mole dish or even homemade fresh beans. There are only 4 simple ingredients which are...

This recipe makes a dozen small tortillas.

  • 2 cups Corn Four/Masa 
  • Palm full of Salt
  • Oil
  • 2 cups of Water
  • Pan

1. In a bowl, add 2 cups of Masa.

2. This next step is very crucial. I filled my measuring cup with 2 1/2 cups of WARM water. I poured in the water little by little mixing between pours. You do not want to pour in all the water because your dough might come out gooey. Add a palm full of salt.

3. It only took me 2 cups of water for my dough to come out just right. The dough should not stick to your fingers or hands.

If you accidentally add to much water, you can add more masa to even it out. 

4. Heat the pan & once its hot, add some oil so the tortillas won't stick to it.

5. Roll the dough into a small ball that fits in your palm.

6. If you don't have a prensa, just cut up a zip lock bag and find something to push down with.

7. Place ball on the plastic and press down with an object to make the tortilla flat and round. You can make them as thick or thin as you'd like.

8. Peel the dough gently and place on the hot pan. 

9. When one side is golden flip to the other side to cook.

10. One they are cooked, remove and place in a rag or a tortilla basket to keep warm.

11. Once all done, you may serve with a main dish.


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